shelter foundation :: The Shelter-Foundation
Thousands of women are victims of trafficking and forced prostitution worldwide, and yet these flagrant violations of basic human rights receive woefully little public attention.
The Shelter Stiftung is a non-profit foundation which was founded in 2001 in Basel, Switzerland. With the unique support of a group of artists of international renown, it generates donations that are channeled directly, and in full, towards carefully vetted projects assisting the victims of trafficking and forced prostitution. In its first years, the Foundation concentrated efforts in the Balkans, where the presence of international protection forces and relief organizations gave rise to an alarming surge in trafficking.
While economically disadvantaged countries in Southeast Europe remain in Shelter’s focus, projects in crises zones farther afield are also supported. At the same time, it is essential to recognize when help is needed right at one’s doorstep, and thus organizations in Germany, England and Switzerland that are aiding and offering new perspectives to trafficking victims are receiving our help as well.
Injustices will persist if eyes and ears remain shut. Beyond supporting specific aid projects, Shelter seeks to sharpen public awareness of these injustices and, on a socio-political level, find new means to combat this form of modern-day slavery. In this context we are working closely with other aid organizations and international institutions.
Board Members
President: Dominik Schniepper, Basel
Monika Assmann, Bochum
Cynthia Baer, Berlin
Dr. Silke von Berswordt-Wallrabe, Berlin
Bettina Eickhoff, Bochum
Gabrielle Lüscher-Engi, Basel
Prof. Dr. Dr. Philipp T. Meyer, Freiburg
Richard Serra, New York
Former Members of the Board
Dr. Roland C. Rasi, Basel (founding member)
Beate Bodemann, Berlin
† Peter de Swaan, Amsterdam