shelter foundation :: One World Center Herne
In 1987, One World Center Herne opened as the State of North Rhine-Westphalia’s first specialized counseling center for trafficking victims. Since its inception, a wide range of assistance has been made available to those who have suffered sexual violence, trafficking and forced prostitution. For this engagement, One World Center Herne has received repeated financial support from the Shelter Stiftung since 2011.
Clients coming to the Center are often traumatized and afflicted by serious medical issues. Needed psychological and medical care is provided, together with safe accommodations and a necessary cost of living allowance. When called for, contacts with translators and lawyers are arranged. Specialized guidance is offered in many areas: to those who will be acting as witnesses in court; to those struggling to achieve new life perspectives and to those needing guidance through asylum procedures or making arrangements for a return to the homeland.
Clients coming to One World Center Herne are cared for by a team of dedicated volunteers who carry out their work free of any governmental involvement. The Center’s sole focus is on how to best serve the needs of those human beings seeking help.